Sunday, 25 December 2011


 BY: Mohamed Ibnu Osman
╚►Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh my brothers and sisters in islam
one the major issues we Muslims are facing nowadays is the sign of "WASTING TIME"
Many of the younger generation of Muslims are starting to drift away from Islam.
This reminder is intended to guide them on the correct path without humiliating or criticising them.

•••►We must understand as Muslims we shouldn't have too much of a good time, it makes you forget about religion. Don't waste your time talking and laughing when you could be doing something that has a meaning. Don't be lazy and waste time just watching television or talking to friends.  Be ambitious:
try to pass as many exams as you can and follow a career which will make your parents proud of you.  Muslim children in England are very lucky to have first-rate educational facilities, such as schools, colleges and Universities 'on their doorstep'. 

Students from all over the world spend thousands of pounds to come to this country and benefit from these same facilities, often overcoming obstacles
 such as getting governmental sponsorship, showing immigration officials documents such as copies of bank statements, letters of acceptance from Universities and visas etc.
•••Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said:
“It is the excellence of a man’s faith that he gives up meaningless work.” [Tirmidhi, Ahmad
•••The internet has become a way  of life for the brothers and sisters which is WRONG ????
They are on it 24/7 chatting and not benefiting anything and forgetting their salah. That goes for watching TV as well : TV is the one of the most mind controlling tool That takes away time as you sit and watch it.

•••Once the great Imam

Abu Hanifah (rahamtullahe alayhe) was giving advice to his student  Imam Abu Yusuf (rahamtullahe alayhe).
He said that in your youth you should spend your time
in seeking Islamic knowledge, and thereafter seek a job,
and when you get enough money
 then you should get married.

•••Once a pious servant of Allah saw an old man in great pain. On seeing him in this state,
he remarked that the old man did not take care of Allah's rules in his youth.

Similarly, a wise man once said that how many old men are there who repent to Allah.
How great would it be to see youngsters repenting to Allah.

•••Therefore my brothers and sisters in islam, the period of our youth is a very delicate and important period in a Muslim's life. 
If spent in the right way his time as a youth will benefit not only himself but also others. By visiting the Masjid, attending the gatherings of the scholars of Islam and seeking their advice and knowledge, serving one's parents and trying to carry out Allah Taa'la's orders to the best of ability then it is greatly hoped that one will grow up to become a leader of the Muslim community and become the coolness of one's parents eyes. If wasted by continuously committing sins, disobeying Allah's commands, then it is possible that on the Day of Judgment Allah will reprimand him regarding this.
•••So dear youngster! Realise your value and importance for the future fate of the Ummah lies in your hands.
May Allah guide and protect us all on the day of Judgement. Ameen

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